Wednesday 24 August 2011

Obvious Celestial is Obivous

Bold Pilot Log, Entry #21

There are times when you fuck up. These are not the times you should worry about. There's always some little room to correct mistakes. But there are those moments when you fuck up while others are fucking with you.

Pardon the explicit language. So let's stop a little and analyze what led to this moment.

I log on, load grid in space. I warp to my gate watch safe (It's home system afterall), see a small gang camping the gate. Corp mates are planning on hauling stuff in. The industrial carrying the first round of fittings and ammo jumps in from the high sec gate, just as pinpoint and I report the camp.

Docked, I have to leave the computer for a few secs. By the time I return, the gatecamp is busted, and a lowsec roam is being planned. It's one of those nano roams, so I hop into the shield-fit Hurricane and x up. I have a hunch and take some redundant faction ammunition out of the 'cane. It hits hard, but the stuff's expensive if you never get to use it...

Recon ships and a black ops BS is added to the mix, we decide on the tactics and prepare to undock. The other corporation is amassing in our home system, bent on revenge. The nano-fit is the better idea, yeah.

So we undock and crash the gate, barely slipping their fleet. They're close behind, time is of essence. Discussion goes on about how to deal with the whole situation. This is where we as a group fuck up. People get a bit disoriented and they catch up on the next gate. Order is issued to scatter.

And this is where I fuck up while others are fucking with me. I warp off the gate by warping to a planet, making a bookmark in the process. All good, I gave them the slip. Or not? Landing, I see two of our merry enemies, one at 0, one at 50. Crap. Trap. I'm not going to give up, start aligning, burning out of range, and open fire. Then the whole gang jumps on in. Time to spam the warp button.

So, my ship turned into something like an egg, did I level up? Sure I did. New things I learned:
  1. Don't warp off to obvious celestials if you're about to flee. First, last planet, sun, station are all bad choices.
  2. Don't warp at zero. Don't warp at 50 either. Everyone warps at 50.
  3. Align the moment you land. Don't look at people on overview thinking what are those about. They're out to get you.
  4. This is not my first ship loss, and won't be the last. Also, looking at my previous losses, I didn't lost a ship when I did everything right. That feels comforting.
  5. I still feel honored that people must assemble fleets of 10-20 people to have the balls to fight a 6-man battlecruiser gang from Fla5hy. If that's not blobbing, I don't know what is.

Sessym out.

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