Thursday 17 November 2011

Space Zombies

The capsuleer sat back in his couch. His eyes narrowed and his face tightened. His voice was quiet and dripping with anger.
-I don't care how you'll fix it, Kem. I didn't ask you to do this. You shouldn't have come here and I will not move a finger to save you. I'll take you with me if you're still alive, but don't expect me to save you.
The video transmission cut off. The capsuleer eyed his handgun. The trusty 'Regimen'  lay on the table, loaded, armed. All it would take him to save the girl was to take the gun into his pocket, walk down a few stairs, use an elevator, turn on a corridor, and fire two rounds. His reflexes were polished within the capsule, no ordinary man could possibly match them. But this has grown out of control. Even his mind, very much used to parallel operations, could not digest the complexity here.There were unclear intents, missing reasons, unforseeable consequences. Besides, the girl needs to learn her place.

Kem was shaking as she closed her PDA. The adrenaline in her veins was burning, and the roar of guns did little to calm her. She was hiding behind a crate, the people shooting at her were standing at the entrance of the hangar. If only she could turn the lights off. She fumbled with her pockets looking for the small hidden gun she was always carrying, to no avail. Beams of energy struck near her. They must have heatvision too. The coolant pipe did help to hide her signature, but the trails of residual heat were there. She couldn't just wait here. She could barely see from the blood that was seeping into her eyes from her wound. Suddenly a small door opened next to her. She couldn't hold it anymore, and fainted. Blake walked silently over her. The bulky engineer gently took the fragile seibestor woman over his shoulder, and disappeared into the station's twisting tunnels.

There was a knock on the door, then it opened wide. Blake had no weapon, so the only thing he could do is to try and cover Kem from view. The capsuleer stood in the doorway, hand clenched, eyes narowed.
-You've become jumpy in this place. Get your bearings, we'll leave in ten minutes.
They both knew it was no joke. He needed them both, and that also meant they would be using the ship that made Kem's skin crawl. From afar, the monstrous battleship looked intimidating, from the inside, it was the embodyment of the name the authorities gave to the class. Nightmare. The crew's quarters were comfortable, if a bit creepy. The maschinery in the fighting compartment however, Kem was no friend of those things. The huge stabilizer coils were snaking all over the place, and the web of arm-thick cables made it very similar to a spider's lair. In combat you'd hear the endless rattle of the turret mechanisms and the low growl of the coils as they infused the turrets with the huge energy without overheating them. Sometimes the cooling of the shield generators would scream up, as the Gist C-type shield booster did its work, sapping the capacitors almost as intensively as a full wolley of Tachyon beams. Kem's mind screamed at her not to board the ship, but fear overcame memory and soon she would be behind her console, monitoring the weapon systems, as they awakened by the attachment of the capsule. Blake came over to run some checks on the riggin he installed in the past few days. For her relief the shield booster of dubious origin was gone, a technology level two shield extender sitting in its place. Mounted, that thing was monstrous, and added even more complicated wiring to the already fuzzy matrix. However, this could only mean one thing. This time, it is not some petty conflict in a small system somewhere in empire. They will be going up against real tough stuff now.
-I need to check on the MWD. Home tech ain't trusty-rusty anymo'e - Blake hummed and stormed down the corridor alone. MWD? This is serious shit. For days now, Kem calmed down. This was the eerie calm she liked to work in. They will really be putting their hides on the line. She gave the green light for weapons systems and the ship undocked.

They went from warp to jump and warp for about an hour, then the movement stopped. The comms arrays lit up. They joined a fleet. The capsuleer maneuvered the camera drone around. Greenish light everywhere. Incursion. The Sansha is here. After a few ship-ahoys, the fleet commander came in clear and loud. This was it. The capsuleer opened a shipwide channel and spoke as the tachyon beams started to vaporize the shields of enemy ships:
-Here we go. Man all stations. This is not the joke of missions you people are used to. Time to roast some space zombies!

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